
The Royal Guild of Oyer Rotisseurs je bil ustanovljen leta 1248 pod francoskim kraljem Ludvikom Svetim (kralj Ludvik IX.). Leta 1610 so mu podelili kraljevo listino in grb. Ceh naj bi spodbujal standarde kakovosti, ki veljajo za mizo kraljev. Umetnost Rotisseurjev je, pod pokroviteljstvom kralja, kmalu obsegala pripravo vseh vrst mesa in perutnine, namenjene za raženj ali peko. Leta 1789, v času francoske revolucije, so ukinili tako Chaîne kot ostale stare cehe.

Za veliko noč leta 1950 so trije gurmani, “izvoljeni princ gastronomov ” Maurrice Edmond Sailland (bolj znan pod psevdonimom Curnonsky), dr. Auguste Becart, Jean Valby in dva strokovnjaka, Louis Giraudon in Marcel Dorin, prisegli, da bodo obnovili duha starega ceha ter združili ljubiteljske in poklicne gurmane. Zvezo so pri pariški prefekturi registrirali 3. avgusta 1950. Uporabili so nekdanji logotip, a so mu dodali dve verigi v krogu, ga opremili z novim imenom združenja in dvema datumoma ustanovitve, 1248 in 1950. Manjša veriga predstavlja poklicno, vešja pa ljubiteljsko članstvo.

Chaîne des Rôtisseurs danes

Danes je v združenju več kot 90 držav z vsega sveta. Program in koordinacijo sprejema in izvaja vodstvo mednarodnega združenja s sedežem v Parizu. Vsaka članica ima lastno nacionalno upravo, ki je odgovorna za splošni razvoj Chaîne v svoji državi, prirejanje srečanj in organizira letni Chapitre, ki je ključna priložnost za srečanje vseh članov Chaîne in na katerem tudi sprejemamo nove člane in jim podeljujemo odličja (medalje in diplome).

Z letom 2005 se je tudi Slovenija pridružila državam s svojim nacionalnim združenjem – Bailliage National de Slovénie. S tem je ljubiteljem kulinarike, vina in druženja za pogrnjeno mizo, kakor tudi poklicnim gastronomom omogočeno sodelovanje v tej svetovni prominentni družbi. Članstvo izbranih restavracij, poklicnih kuharjev in ljubiteljev pomeni čast in pomembno prispeva k promociji slovenske kulinarike in vinarstva ter prepoznavnosti Slovenije.



The Royal Guild of Les Oyers was founded in 1248 under Saint Louis, King of France. It was granted a Royal Charter and a Coat of Arms in 1610. The object of the guild was to perpetuate the Standards of quality befitting the Royal Table. Soon the craft of Rôtisseurs encompassed the preparation of all the various meats and fowls destined for the spit or rack, and the activities of the Guild were always under the Royal patronage. In 1793, the Chaîne as well as the ancient Guilds were disbanded.

In Easter 1950, three gourmets, “Elected Prince of the Gastronomes” Maurice Edmond Sailland (known as Curnonsky), Dr. Auguste Becart, Jean Valby and two professionals, Louis Giraudon and Marcel Dorin, pledged to restore the spirit of the ancient guild in bringing together professionals and amateurs who appreciate fine cuisine and the pleasures of the table. They registered this association on August 3, 1950, at the Prefecture de Paris and created a logo using the old historic emblem, but surrounded it with two chains and the new name of the association, as well the two foundation dates of 1248 and 1950. The smaller of two chains represents the professional members, and the larger chain the non-professional amateur members.

Chaîne des Rôtisseurs today

Today, the society has members in more than 90 countries around the world. The programme and coordination are adopted and implemented by the Chaîne’s international headquarters in Paris. Every member has its own national administration that is responsible for the general development of Chaîne in it’s home country, for arranging meetings and for organizing the annual Chapitre which is the principal opportunity for gathering all Chaîne members as well as for admitting new members and conferring insignia (ribbon and diploma) on them.

In year 2005 Slovenia has joined Chaîne with its own association – Bailliage National de Slovénie. Membership of selected restaurants, professional chefs and enthusiasts is not only a great honour but also an important contribution to the promotion of Slovene culinary art and viticulture.